A Note from Senior Pastor, Rev. Kenneth S. Waclo
Ponderings Out the Back Window of the Parsonage…
Well, it's taken three winters here at Chestnut, but I finally got a snow picture! Every winter I eagerly anticipate the first snow storm. Everyone has told us what a beautiful scene we would get from the living room, and now we know just how even more beautiful the view is from the parsonage. This picture just makes me even more grateful for where we are, where we have been appointed, and how much love we feel from our Chestnut family.
This start of the new year filled me with even more anticipation than usual as I had hoped to be fully over the Bell's Palsy, which has limited my ability to speak for any length of time. Alas, the effects are still with me, but other than speaking and preaching, I am, happily visiting in homes and hospitals, attending to church admin, and planning a schedule for a very active congregation. And as the days go by, I anticipate a return to fully proclaiming the Word, but not yet!
During this season of anticipation, God continues to remind me to learn patience, learn to not say yes to every opportunity, and to look around and be grateful for the blessing of community. Pastor Sean in his sermon last Sunday stated what I already knew and had said, I do not know of any congregation and staff that I have previously served that would have been as supportive and eager to take on all my roles when my doctor told me to step aside from ministry.
While I eagerly anticipate being "normal" again, staff and laity have taken on, and excelled at the work of ministry. To be honest, this is what John Wesley envisioned. A Lay led ministry of the church. Yes, clergy have a role, but clergy will be appointed and reappointed. The laity are the continual presence within the church. The laity are to be equipped and encouraged, and the laity are the vital force behind the ministry.
In other words, one of the many things that makes Chestnut special is YOU gentle reader. And I truly give thanks for you. You are prayed for, and if I can help equip or enable your work please let me know. As we anticipate our work in 2025, I see our ministry with PORT, Rise Against Hunger, Jeremiah Project, Menchville House, Volunteers in Mission, Food Pantry, Chestnut Comforters, Chestnut Card ministry, comfort meals, and church gatherings continuing and growing in ways we've not imagined. I anticipate these ministry opportunities joyfully because we will do them together.
So like the first snow, or even the second which is now forecast, I anticipate the beauty of the season. Each season does have beauty, God is trying to teach me that. Your kindness and support reminds me of His love. I anticipate a new day and a new season together with YOU! Be safe, be warm, be healthy, and enjoy the winter beauty!
Pastor Ken