Ministry Outreach of Chestnut

  • All
  •  | 
  • Overview
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  • Children's Program
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  • Food Pantry
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  • Mother's Day Out
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  • Music
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  • Preschool
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  • Scouting
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  • Stephen Ministry
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  • UM Men
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  • Chestnut Methodist Women
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  • Volunteers in Mission
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  • VBS
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  • Youth

Ministry Overview of Chestnut UMC

The ministries at Chestnut Memorial United Methodist Church embody a vibrant tapestry of compassion, faith, and community outreach.

Rooted in the essence of service, our programs cater to diverse needs, embracing everyone who seeks solace, guidance, or fellowship. The church's commitment to nurturing spiritual growth extends through various avenues, from impactful youth programs fostering values of kindness and empathy to adult education courses that delve into scripture and contemporary issues. Additionally, our outreach initiatives extend hands of support to the marginalized, providing shelter, sustenance, and hope to those in need within the local community.

Through worship, education, and service, Chestnut Memorial United Methodist Church fervently lives its mission, embodying the spirit of love and inclusivity.

Children's Program

Wonderful Wednesday Children's Music Program at Chestnut!
Children's Ministry News

Spring will be here fore we know it! What a cold, snowy winter we have had!

Wonderful Wednesday schedule is as follows for Bells and Arts & crafts:

March 5—6:00 pm— 7:00 pm
March 12—6:00 pm—7:00 pm
March 19—6:00 pm—7:00 pm
March 26—6:00 pm—7:00 pm

Stay tuned for Spring break and Easter information



We are a Safer Sanctuaries church for all children and youth activities. If you have questions, please see Courtney or email her at:

Sunday School is a time for children to learn the teachings of Jesus. Sunday School helps to impart values through Biblical lessons. Many young children struggle to understand the word of God when it is taught during regular services. We have teachers in place to help make the message understandable for younger children. Our Sunday School classes are divided into specific age levels so that the children learn according to their age and educational level, so they can get a better understanding of what is being taught.

Sunday School is also an important part of the socializing process as it can help members, especially those children new to the church, get to know one another. Life can be hectic, and if you find it challenging just to make it to church, you might not be even able to think about getting your children to Sunday School. However, it's great to have the support of the church as you teach your children the truth of scripture.

Here are a few reasons why Sunday School is so important.

  1. Learn About God
    When your children go to Sunday School, they will find the age-appropriate Bible teaching that their young minds are so eager to absorb. Their teachers can shape the lessons to meet the comprehension level and interests of any age. Many Sunday School teachers will incorporate fun activities, like crafts and skits, into the lessons so your children will be able to remember them.
  2. Find Mentors
    Parenting is tough, but when you have Sunday School teachers working to mentor your children, they can provide another source of guidance. The church is a community where everyone helps their neighbors. When you take your children to Sunday School, you can rest assured you have qualified help with their spiritual education.
  3. Make Friends
    If you want your children to make more friends, Sunday School is a great place to find them. As they learn and play together on Sunday mornings, they will be able to form healthy friendships with children whose parents have the same priorities as you.
  4. Make Friends
    If you start consistently taking your kids to church when they're young, they will forever learn the good habits of church attendance. For the rest of their lives, they'll benefit from the knowledge they gained in Sunday School.
  5. Have Fun
    Don't forget the importance of play and fun. With talented teachers, great activities, and friends they enjoy, your little ones will love going to Sunday School every week. This is a great way to show your kids that learning about God can be really cool.

Recurring Events

  • Fall Festival: held every October
  • Trunk or Treat: an alternative to Trick or Treating. For more information, call the church office, (757) 595-6531.
  • Journey to Bethlehem - a drive-through nativity held in December. For more information, call (757) 595-6531.
  • Vacation Bible School - Held each July. Children learn about God's love through storytelling, arts, crafts and music.
  • Wonderful Wednesdays - runs from September through May. Children ages four years through fifth grade enjoy arts and crafts, music, bells and chimes. We meet in the PreSchool Lunch Room from 6-7 p.m. For more information call the office at (757) 595-6531.

Food Pantry at Chestnut UMC

Our Food Pantry typically serves over 3,000 people in our community every year. If you need to take advantage of our pantry, we are open:

  • Tuesdays 10 am-Noon
  • Wednesdays 1 - 3 pm
  • Thursdays 4 - 6 pm
  • Fridays 10 am-Noon
We have a staff of 30-40 volunteers, with a minimum of 2 volunteers on every shift to help with shopping, stocking, and bagging. New volunteers are always welcome.

At Thanksgiving, we also provide a dinner with all the fixings for roughly 100 families.

If you would like to donate to our pantry, please keep us in mind when you do your grocery shopping. Suggested items include:

canned corn beans
peas rice
fruit ramen noodles
spaghetti sauce pancake mix
instant mashed potatoes syrup
pasta peanut butter
cereal jelly
macaroni and cheese canned chicken
hot dogs canned tuna
hot dog buns

Monetary donations are also always welcome. Please mark any donations for the Food Pantry.

Please feel free to Contact Us if you need more information.

Mother's Day Out

We welcome children who are two and a half through five years of age to join our classes. We offer an opportunity for children to develop social and academic skills. Our daily routine consists of painting, coloring, manipulative tables, dramatic play, outdoor recess, snack time, music and movement activities, story time, art projects, lunch time, a short video that coordinates with our theme for the day, games and library time.

If you would like more information, please contact the church office at (757) 595-6531. Space is limited and spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.


Mother's Day Out News

Our Mother's Day Out children are busy little "bees" learning all about spring, looking for the Leprechaun, learned how to take care of our teeth to keep them healthy and happy. They have also been able to play on the playground a little since the snow storm.

Looking forward to a busy spring!




The Choirs of Chestnut minister to all ages, from children to teenagers to adults. We learn to sing and ring together primarily to enhance our praise and glory during the worship service. But music at Chestnut goes beyond Worship. Music helps teach VBS, Christmas Pageants, and Musicals such as "Once Upon a Parable", Moses and the Freedom Fanatics", "Malice in the Palace", and "David and Goliath" just to name a few. Music Ministry at Chestnut reaches out to the community through choir concerts and other groups, such as "The Jeremiah People", Langley's "Heritage Band of America" and the "Virginia Wesleyan Choir". The world-renowned "Raleigh Ringers" Handbell Choir was also very well received by our congregation and the whole community! Participating in a choir at Chestnut is a wonderful experience with many benefits. You learn about music and tips on how to make music - and you may even make new Christian friends.

Chestnut offers opportunities for everyone to participate in Music Ministry - not only in Worship and hymn singing but through the many singing and ringing choirs for all ages.

For more information on Music Ministries at Chestnut, please email our music director Kurt Snider, or call 757-595-6531.


Tuesday Morning Bells
Tuesdays 11 a.m. -- Noon
Contact Kurt to attend

Wonderful Wednesday Children's Music Program
Wednesdays 6-7 p.m.
Ages 3 through 5th grade
Contact Kurt to attend.

Wednesday Evening Youth Choir and Bells
Wednesdays 6-7 p.m.
6th through 12 grades
Contact Kurt to attend.

Praise Team
Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
Contact Carley to attend.

Chestnut Chimes
Thursdays at 6:15 p.m.
Contact Kurt to attend.

Chancel Choir
Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
Contact Kurt to attend

Our Music Notation Began In The Church

If you can imagine what life would be like without any form of written language, it would be a similar thing as if we had no form of written musical notation. It used to be like that a long, long time ago. The church decided it would be a great idea if some form of musical notation could be developed to help preserve music and create a better means of remembering songs. The Roman Catholic Church was the driving force behind its development. Prior to music notation, liturgical music was handed down as an oral tradition and thus subject to ravages of memory and interpretation. The scholar and music theorist Isidore of Seville, while writing in the early 7th century (Pope Vitalian), considered that "unless sounds are held by the memory of man, they perish, because they cannot be written down." The church began notating plainchant melodies so that the same chants could be used throughout the church. The founder of what is now considered the standard music staff was Guido d'Arezzo, an Italian Benedictine monk who lived from about 991 until after 1033. He taught the use of vocal syllables based on a hymn to St. John the Baptist. Using Ut, re, Mi, fa, Sol, la, Si. Ut was changed in most countries except France to the easily singable, open syllable Do, believed to be taken from the Italian theorist Giovanni Battista Doni. Christian monks developed the first forms of modern musical notation in order to standardize liturgy throughout the worldwide church, and an enormous body of religious music has been composed for it through the ages. Modern music notation is used by musicians of many different genres throughout the world. Musical notation gives the same information to a musical performer, telling them what notes to play, how fast or slow, how long to hold a note, and instructions about how loud or soft for the notes. Musical notation helps people learn the music without having ever heard it before. I remember in my early musical training that the treble clef sign is also known as the "G" clef because it specifically shows you where the note G is and that the G note was for God. The bass clef sign is also known as the "F" Clef because it specifically shows you the note F stands for the Father. And middle C located in the music is exactly in the middle of the two clefs and the note C is for Christ. So there it is, Christ God The Father. Thank God for music in our lives and that the church figured out a way to write it down for all to share and enjoy!


February was just snowy & LOVEly! We had a lot of snow days off from school but are now ready to buckle down! We have a lot of fun things planned for March!  We end February/start March dressing up for Dr. Seuss Week...wearing mismatched socks, wearing stripes or a favorite hat. We are doing this to celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday and Read Across America Week.

Don't forget to Spring forward on March 9th.  We will be searching for the leprechaun on March 17th. We haven't caught him yet, but this could be our year! We will also be dressing up for Career Day later in the month and learning about all different kinds of careers. We hope to schedule some of our parents to come in and share what they do for a living.


Our goal at Chestnut Memorial Preschool is to provide each student with an excellent foundation for learning. Your child is very important to us! We realize that each child is a unique individual full of potential and ready to learn. At Chestnut, the children learn while they are having fun with a curriculum designed to prepare them for future learning and the exciting life ahead of them. Through a variety of activities, they will develop not only academic skills, but a belief in themselves, respect for others, good work habits, and an eagerness to learn.

Preschool will give your child the opportunity to become a member of a group where they will learn to share materials, toys, and adult attention. The ability to do these things will help your child make an easy transition to other learning environments.

Our teachers at Chestnut are simply the best! They understand the needs of preschool children and how they learn best. With warmth, affection, and a nurturing heart, they will help your child develop the many skills necessary to be successful not only this year but in the future.

The Chestnut Preschool family consists of a supportive school board and a quality teaching staff. This professional group of individuals is responsible for what we believe is a superb program here at Chestnut Memorial Preschool.

If you are interested, please contact us at 757-591-0429.
For more information on our programs, please visit our Preschool website:

Christine Cole, Director


Hello, everyone!

My name is Dick Barnes, and I am the new Scouting correspondent for Troop 11. Chestnut provides a clean, safe place for us to meet and to store our equipment, and we are always willing to assist where needed.

For over 100 years, the Order of Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. This recognition provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well. Arrow Men are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long-term resident camping, and providing cheerful service to others. OA service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults are models of quality Leadership development and programing that enrich an help to extend Scouting to America's youth. In September, Troop 11 had three members induced in the OA...Trey, Zayne, and Jesse. All are certainly worthy of recognition, and we expect them to be active members of the Order. Trey also was recently advanced to Life rank and is already planning his project for Eagle Scout.

Troop 11 has always had a quality program, and so it should come as no surprise that we are once again in first place in the running for the Colonial Virginia Council Commissioner's Cup. The Cup is awarded to the best unit in the Council, and I based on many different criteria, but mainly it confirms that the Troop is healthy and being run in accordance with all applicable requirements. We expect to maintain this lead and win the Cup again this year.

Points of Contact for Scouting at Chestnut:

Girl Scouts, Troop 1260: contact Sandy Elder,
Boy Scouts, Troop 11-B (boys): contact Dick Barnes

Stephen Ministry

Chestnut Memorial UMC is a Stephen Ministry church. A Stephen Minister is a member of our congregation who is trained to listen, care, encourage, pray, and walk alongside you during difficult times. It's confidential, free, and very helpful.

We all face challenges in our lives. Some we cope with more easily than others. Are you facing one of life's difficult challenges? A death in the family, divorce or separation, loss of a job, a difficult pregnancy, chronic illness, terminal illness, hospitalization, loneliness, aging, relocation, or some other life crisis? Please feel free to request a Stephen Minister if you think you'd benefit from having someone visit you once a week. They'll listen to you, encourage you, and pray for you. Everything you say to a Stephen Minister is strictly confidential; no one else will know your "business." Having a Stephen Minister means you won't have to bear your burden alone.

For more information or to request a Stephen Minister, talk to or call our Stephen Leader, Nell Twiggs at the number listed in the church directory. You can also tell Pastor Ken or talk to any of the Stephen Ministers you see around church. Once you have made your request, one of our Stephen Leaders will contact you to provide more information and assign you a Stephen Minister.

Ernest Hemingway once said: In our darkest moments, we don't need solutions or advice. What we yearn for is simply human connection—a quiet presence, a gentle touch. These small gestures are the anchors that hold us steady when life feels like too much.  

Please don't try to fix me. Don't take on my pain or push away my shadows. Just sit beside me as I work through my own inner storms. Be the steady hand I can reach for as I find my way.  

My pain is mine to carry, my battles mine to face. But your presence reminds me I'm not alone in this vast, sometimes frightening world.  It's a quiet reminder that I am worthy of love, even when I feel broken.

So, in those dark hours when I lose my way, will you just be here? Not as a rescuer, but as a companion. Hold my hand until the dawn arrives, helping me remember my strength.

Your silent support is the most precious gift you can give. It's a love that helps me remember who I am, even when I forget.


United Methodist Men

The General Commission on the United Methodist Men says it this way: "The ministry of men in the local church is defined as a core group of men, partnering with their pastor, to invite and initiate spiritual growth opportunities for all men of the church. Everyone has different gifts, graces and areas of interest. Therefore, opportunities for participation would include diverse ministries of the church, such as prayer groups, missions, Bible studies, retreats, workshops/seminars, small groups in the Wesleyan tradition, leading and participating on committees, teaching Sunday school classes, youth ministries, scouting, mentoring and assisting in leading worship service. The focus is not inward, concentrating only on those who attend a set meeting, but outward to all men, assisting them to engage the process of spiritual growth."

At Chestnut, those opportunities for participation have included fish fries and barbecues, plus mission projects such as building handicapped ramps for members of the church. We also sponsor the yearly Tommy Jobe Memorial Scholarship (see below). 


The Tommy Jobe Memorial Scholarship was established in honor of Dr. Tommy Jobe, a dedicated member of the Chestnut Memorial United Methodist Church and United Methodist Men (UMM) organization.

The purpose of the scholarship is to assist qualifying high school seniors of Chestnut Memorial UMC in their educational endeavors. Funding for this scholarship is derived from Chestnut Memorial UMM fundraising events. In total, we have awarded over $4,000 to graduating seniors over the last five years.

For more information contact Tim Knapp or the church office.

Chestnut Methodist Women


Holiday Cookie Walk on December 14th from 9am—2 pm. Come and purchase your Christmas Cookies.
We will have plenty to choose from including gluten free items. It was a huge success last year! Come and have fun picking out your goodies while enjoying fellowship with each other.

What: Women's Retreat
When: Saturday, February 22, 2025
Please mark your calendars now to reserve this date. Projected time is 8:30 am—2:30 pm
Continental Breakfast and Lunch is provided. More details will follow soon!

The purpose of the Chestnut Methodist Women (CMW) is to come together as a group to enhance our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Through Christian fellowship, love, care, and with Christ's grace, we will provide support to each other, our church, and our local community. Any women connected in any way to our great church are welcome to attend. Just call the church to add your email address to our mailing list.

Our meetings are held monthly, September through June on the third Thursday at 10 a.m. in the Wesley Classroom. We try to keep the meetings to around an hour, followed by refreshments and often crafts for the kids and/or shut-ins. We also use this time to send cards to members as needed.

Our women are proud to support a number of local missions, including: Lackey Clinic, Transitions, Menchville House, Avalon, Latisha House, and our own Food Pantry and Mother's Day Out Program. The CMW also team with the United Methodist Men to support the international program, Rise Against Hunger.

As always we support our church as needed and strive to work with all members to help the church grow by being disciples of Christ and reaching out in love to all people.

By Sally Ritchie

Volunteers in Mission

General Info

"United Methodist Volunteers in Mission is a grassroots movement within the United Methodist Church designed to provide an official channel for volunteer service. Through UMVIM, Christians (lay and clergy) can offer their skills and talents for service in their home country and around the world on short-term assignments at their own expense."

"The UMVIM network offers guidance, organization, and training for more than 125,000 volunteers each year who give of their time and talent to minister with the poor, build churches and other mission facilities, assist in disaster recovery efforts, participate in community health programs and take part in leadership training events each year."


At Chestnut, we normally have two or more mission trips attended by a dozen or so volunteers. We go where the need is greatest, often to areas ravaged by flood or hurricane. Members are divided into teams and might perform tasks such as painting, putting up drywall, doing yard work and the like. Trips are usually a week to 10 days in duration and transportation is provided by the church. Opportunities for both national and international service are offered.

Vacation Bible School

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for making our Vacation Bible School program a resounding success! Your enthusiasm, dedication, and support created an enriching and joyful experience for all participants. We couldn't have done it without the tireless efforts of our volunteers, the generous contributions of our donors, and the enthusiastic participation of the children and their families.

Thank you for being a vital part of this wonderful journey. We look forward to seeing you all again next time as we continue to grow, learn, and celebrate together!


We meet every Sunday for Sunday School at 10:45 am in the Youth Room.

The youth will be selling our chocolate Easter eggs again this year as a fundraiser!

There will be pre-sales every Sunday from March 2nd—March 23rd, with delivery on Sunday, March 30th. You can also place an order by phone by calling the church office at 757-595-6531 or by emailing

The last day to make a pre-order will be Wednesday, March 26th.

We will also need assistance making our chocolate Easter eggs! More info to come later, but mark your calendars for Friday, March 28th and Saturday, March 29th!



If you have any questions, please reach out to Brittni Smith at


In consideration of Chestnut Memorial United Methodist Church allowing the Participant to participate in children or youth ministry activities, please download the Parental Consent and Liability Release Form from our Online Library.